
In today's digital era, AI tools have completely transformed the research field. These tools have made it incredibly easy and efficient for researchers to gather information, analyze data, and generate valuable insights. In this blog post, we will take a look at fifteen essential free AI tools that researchers should be using in 2024.

1.Herisa (or Urisa)

Herisa (or Urisa) is an exceptional AI-driven tool that allows researchers to create mind maps for their respective research fields.

By simply inputting keywords or phrases, researchers can generate mind maps that provide a comprehensive overview of pros, cons, and examples related to their specific research topic. With a wide range of options to explore and expand on research ideas, this tool is particularly valuable for anyone starting their literature review.

2.Open Read

Open Read offers various pricing plans, but their free plan provides researchers with an impressive array of features. With Open Read, researchers can upload PDF documents and gain access to essential information and summaries.

The tool also includes an AI-powered chatbot, named "Oat," which assists researchers by providing short, easily digestible portions for reading and answering questions about the uploaded papers. This tool proves to be particularly valuable for conducting comprehensive literature reviews.

3.Explain Paper

Explain Paper is a remarkable free tool that simplifies complex research papers. Researchers can upload their papers and choose specific sections to be explained in a clear and understandable manner.

The tool generates explanations tailored to different educational levels, ranging from middle school students to high scholars. Furthermore, Explain Paper also offers additional resources that enable users to delve deeper into the topic.

4.Paper Brain

Paper Brain is a valuable tool for generating AI-based answers to specific research paper questions. By uploading research papers, researchers can obtain a concise overview of the content and pose related inquiries. This tool is particularly beneficial for swift insights and sourcing relevant information within research papers.


Einblick is an AI tool that specializes in generating charts. Researchers can easily upload datasets, describe their desired chart, and effortlessly produce visually appealing charts. This tool is ideal for creating initial draft charts for presentations or supervisor meetings, offering a swift visual representation of data.

6.Tavali AI

Tavali AI features a research assistant that utilizes AI to gather information from the internet based on specific research questions. The tool creates a tailored research agent that collects pertinent information and provides an outline of the desired research topic. Tavali AI is especially useful for gaining insights and latest updates on specific research areas.

7.Power Drill

Power Drill empowers researchers to upload various data sources, including text, web pages, and files. Through its chat-based interface, researchers can ask questions about the uploaded dataset and receive AI-generated responses. This tool is particularly valuable for analyzing and extracting insights from large datasets.

8.Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a popular AI chat tool that allows researchers to ask diverse questions and receive AI-generated responses. While the tool may occasionally provide broad or inaccurate information, researchers can guide it by asking follow-up questions or specifying their information needs.


Perplexity is a powerful AI tool that provides researchers with a diverse range of references and resources. It allows researchers to access more detailed information and references to expand their knowledge on specific research topics. Although it may not be as precise as other options, it offers a wealth of resources for further exploration.


Bing, a commonly used search engine, offers AI-powered chat functionality. Researchers can ask questions in a controlled manner, specifying the desired type of response. Bing allows researchers to customize the chat to provide creative, balanced, or precise answers. This tool provides more options for tailored responses.

11.Next Net

Next Net is a valuable tool for researchers in the drug and health field. By searching for specific keywords, researchers can access the latest literature and research related to gene expressions and drug development. Next Net includes a searchable graph that visualizes the research data based on the query, providing a comprehensive overview of the research landscape.

12.General AI Chat Tools

Finally, general AI chat tools such as Chat GPT, Perplexity, and Bing have significantly influenced research practices. These tools offer a wide range of capabilities, from answering questions to providing references and resources. While they may occasionally produce less accurate or academic responses, researchers can guide them to provide more precise and relevant information.


Consensus is an impressive search engine that utilizes artificial intelligence to extract and distill relevant findings directly from scientific research. Unlike traditional search engines, Consensus understands the complexity of scientific papers and uses natural language processing , machine learning models to read and analyze scientific literature accurately.

It aggregates key findings and insights, categorizes them, and presents them in a clear and concise manner, eliminating the need for researchers to spend countless hours sorting through mountains of information.

14.Somatic Scholar

Semantic Scholar is an innovative AI-powered academic search engine designed to provide researchers and scholars access to highly relevant research papers. It is specifically tailored for fields such as computer science, neuroscience, and biomedical research.

With its advanced machine learning algorithms, semantic scholar is able to analyze and understand the contents of millions of research papers, allowing it to identify and retrieve only the most relevant ones.

As a result, researchers using this tool can easily access and filter out irrelevant literature and focus their attention on the most important and pertinent publications.

15.Research Rabbit

Research Rabbit is a powerful tool that provides researchers with a comprehensive suite of features that enables them to manage their research more efficiently. This AI-powered tool can track citations, generate bibliographies, and foster collaboration with other researchers.

With Research Rabbit, researchers can now easily keep track of their sources, organize their research materials and data, and collaborate with other researchers, making the research process faster, easier and more convenient.


Researchers rely heavily on artificial intelligence tools, which provide valuable features to enhance the research process. This blog has showcased fifteen free AI tools that cover a range of research aspects, such as mind mapping, data analysis, and literature review.

By utilizing these tools, researchers can save time, gain access to relevant information, and generate valuable insights. Explore these tools and determine the ones that best meet your research requirements!


Q: Are these AI tools completely free?

A: Yes, all of the mentioned AI tools offer free plans with generous features and functionalities.

Q: Can these tools be used for any research field?

A: While some tools are specific to certain research fields, many of them can be utilized across various disciplines. It's important to explore each tool's capabilities to determine its suitability for your research area.

Q: Are these tools user-friendly?

A: Yes, these tools are designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal technical expertise. Researchers of all levels can easily navigate and utilize these tools.

Q: Can I extract information from research papers using these tools?

A: Yes, tools like Open Read, Explain Paper, and Paper Brain allow researchers to extract key information from research papers, saving time and effort.

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