5 New AI Tools You Should Try

Five of the best AI tools that I believe you’re going to find extremely beneficial. Ranging from a sophisticated network of AI agents aimed at accelerating your productivity, to AI-driven video editing and image creation tools, these top-notch AI resources are designed to optimize your workflow and enrich the way you generate content.

The company research agents in Agent ai provide comprehensive insights into any company, including competitor analysis, funding data, website traffic, and social media tracking. This enables users to gather valuable information for strategic decision-making.

Website Conversion Optimizer

The website conversion optimizer feature offers actionable recommendations to improve website performance. By providing ten different suggestions, it assists in enhancing various sections of a website, ultimately contributing to better conversion rates and user experience.

Canva's Magic Studio Upgrades - AI-Powered Video Editing and Image Manipulation

Canva’s Magic Studio introduces AI-powered tools that revolutionize video editing and image manipulation, including advanced AI video generation and AI video generator capabilities. AI generates images and videos, streamlining the content creation process and offering innovative capabilities for designers and marketers.

Magic Design for Video

AI video generators like Canva’s Magic Design for video feature simplify the video editing process by automatically selecting the best parts of a video. This functionality enables efficient creation of engaging social media content by quickly extracting impactful snippets without the need for extensive manual editing.

Magic Grab for Image Manipulation

With the Magic Grab tool, users can effortlessly remove elements from images, creating clean and professional visuals with transparent backgrounds. This feature enhances design flexibility and expedites the process of creating eye-catching graphics, including thumbnails and marketing materials.

Lummi ai - AI Image Generator for Stock Photos

Lummi ai offers a unique approach to stock photos by providing a library of images created using AI image generation. These images are created by skilled AI artists and are available for download royalty-free, making them a convenient and cost-effective resource for visual content creation.

Filtering Options

Lummi ai provides a variety of filtering options, simplifying the process of finding the perfect image for your specific needs. These filters cater to users who may not have the expertise to navigate platforms like MidJourney or DALL-E, offering a user-friendly experience without the need for extensive training.

Sample Images from Lummi ai Image Category



Search Tool

The platform features a user-friendly search tool, allowing users to quickly find specific images based on their requirements. This streamlined search functionality enhances the overall user experience and facilitates efficient content creation.

Mistral ai Codestral - AI Coding Assistant

Mistral ai introduces Codestral, a large language model designed to provide coding assistance, functioning as an AI assistant for developers. This innovative tool offers functional code snippets for various tasks, enhancing the coding process and expediting development workflows.

Functional Code Snippets

Codestral allows users to ask coding-related questions and receive relevant code snippets, streamlining the coding process and offering valuable support for developers and programmers.

Perplexity ai - AI Writing Assistant for Blog Posts

Perplexity ai Pages is a remarkable feature that enables effortless creation of blog-like posts and social media posts by simply inputting a prompt. By leveraging the power of AI, this tool generates content, sources information from the internet, and presents a fully customizable format, streamlining the content creation process and offering valuable insights for various topics.

Customizable Content Creation

With Perplexity ai Pages, users can customize their content by selecting different options for headings and generating images using AI. This customizable approach ensures that the content aligns with their specific preferences and requirements, enhancing the overall quality and relevance of the generated posts.

Source Integration and Citation

The tool pulls sources from the internet to enrich the generated content, offering credibility and depth to the information presented. By seamlessly integrating sources from reputable websites, Perplexity ai Pages ensures that the generated posts are backed by reliable information and citations.

Customization and Editability

One of the standout features of Perplexity ai Pages is its integration of generative AI tools, which offer full customization and editability, allowing users to tailor the generated content to their exact specifications. This level of control empowers users to fine-tune the content according to their branding, style, and messaging, ensuring that the generated posts align with their unique requirements.

Flexible Content Modification

Users have the flexibility to modify the top heading, select from various options, and generate images using AI, enabling them to curate visually appealing and engaging content. This adaptability ensures that the content reflects the desired tone and visual presentation, enhancing its overall impact.

Collaborative Publishing and Interaction

Upon publishing the generated content, users can share the link with others, facilitating collaborative discussions and interactions. This feature enables seamless communication and collaboration based on the content generated, fostering engagement and knowledge sharing within various communities.

Indexing and Publishing Considerations

When utilizing AI-generated content from platforms like Perplexity ai Pages, which leverage AI models, machine learning, and natural language processing capabilities, it’s essential to consider potential indexing and publishing implications. While the content may be predominantly AI-generated, customization options allow for tailored adjustments.

However, if you intend to host this content on your own blog, manual copy and paste actions are necessary, as it may not seamlessly integrate with platforms like WordPress. Additionally, there may be considerations regarding search engine indexing and visibility in search results.

Google Indexing and Search Results

Given that the AI-generated content resides on Perplexity ai, there may be questions regarding its indexing by search engines such as Google. The potential visibility of these AI-generated posts in search results, and their presentation to users, raises interesting considerations for content creators and publishers.

Customization and Portability

While the AI-generated content can be extensively customized, it's important to note that seamless integration with existing blogging platforms may require manual intervention. Content portability and the ability to maintain a consistent publishing workflow across different platforms are essential factors to consider when leveraging AI-generated content for publishing purposes.

Additional Resources

For further exploration of AI tools and their applications, additional resources are available, including free AI tools, free plans, and free versions, to enhance your understanding and utilization of AI-powered solutions. These resources offer valuable insights, tutorials, and in-depth information on leveraging AI tools for various purposes.

AI Tool Tutorials and Guides

Explore comprehensive tutorials and guides that delve into the functionalities and applications of AI tools, providing step-by-step instructions for maximizing their potential in diverse contexts.

Community Forums and Discussions

Engage with community forums and discussions focused on AI tools, where professionals and enthusiasts share their experiences, best practices, and innovative use cases, fostering a collaborative environment for learning and knowledge exchange.


In conclusion, these new AI tools offer innovative solutions for various tasks, from content creation to coding assistance. Their AI-powered features streamline workflows and enhance productivity, making them valuable resources for businesses and individuals alike.


Are these AI tools suitable for small businesses?

Yes, these AI tools are suitable for small businesses as they offer versatile functionalities that cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes, providing valuable assistance in tasks such as company research, content creation, and coding.

Can the AI-generated content be customized to align with specific branding and messaging?

Yes, the AI-generated content can be fully customized to align with specific branding, style, and messaging. Users have the flexibility to modify headings, select different options, and generate images using AI, ensuring that the content reflects their desired tone and visual presentation.

What are the potential considerations when leveraging AI-generated content for publishing purposes?

When leveraging AI-generated content for publishing, considerations include potential indexing and visibility in search results, customization and portability across different platforms, and the need for manual intervention in integrating the content with existing blogging platforms.